Home Consumer Postage Stamp Sized 1TB SSDs by 2012?

Postage Stamp Sized 1TB SSDs by 2012?

by Brian Beeler

SSDs are great, but they’re expensive in large capacities and apparently they’re too large as well. A group of scientists from Keio University claim to have found a way to reduce the size of SSDs by at least 90% which makes them cheaper and increases energy efficiency by 70%.

SSDs are great, but they’re expensive in large capacities and apparently they’re too large as well. A group of scientists from Keio University claim to have found a way to reduce the size of SSDs by at least 90% which makes them cheaper and increases energy efficiency by 70%.


The technology breakthrough is said to be able to produce a 1TB SSD in a form factor roughly the size of a postage stamp. The prototype pictured above is about that size and made of 128 NAND chips with a single controller chip. Transfer speeds are said to be 2Gb/s.

The research team expect their new technology to be commercializable by 2012. 

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