Home Enterprise Quantum Corp DXi8500, Scalar i6000, and Quantum Vision Released

Quantum Corp DXi8500, Scalar i6000, and Quantum Vision Released

by storagereview

Quantum Corp. announced three new products aimed at enterprise data management. Included in the new releases are the DXi8500, a deduplication device, the Scalar i6000, a dual robotic tape library, and version 4.1 of Quantum Vision management software. The DXi8500 is touted as an extremely affordable solution. Price is set around $300,000 and includes data rates of up to 8.8 TB/hour, scaling to 320 GB, DXi Accent software and an improved GUI to make our lives a little easier. All these features and the price combine to give the DXi85000 an industry leading price/performance ration.

Quantum Corp. announced three new products aimed at enterprise data management. Included in the new releases are the DXi8500, a deduplication device, the Scalar i6000, a dual robotic tape library, and version 4.1 of Quantum Vision management software. The DXi8500 is touted as an extremely affordable solution. Price is set around $300,000 and includes data rates of up to 8.8 TB/hour, scaling to 320 GB, DXi Accent software and an improved GUI to make our lives a little easier. All these features and the price combine to give the DXi85000 an industry leading price/performance ration.

The Scalar i6000 offers up dual robotics to make sure data is available all the time without reducing capacity. Price for this one starts at $50,000 and includes Active Vault, which allows users to store vaulted tapes securely inside the unit, and an automated media pool, which makes some unassigned slots available to any partition, in case you need more space than you thought. Plus it boasts the smallest footprint of any current dual robotic setup, so you won’t have to squeeze by it all the time.

The new Quantum Vision software starts off at nearly $6,000 with additional licenses for nearly $3,000, but offers a lot for the money. It allows users to manage devices in different locations, and on different systems and tiers, as well as consolidates reports between DXi systems. The GUI is also improved for replication, disk capacity, space reclamation progress, and disk to tape connections; the new software also has graphical tools to cover cross-indexed data for Scalar libraries, automatically issues reports with user-defined criteria, and will alert users when media needs replacing.

Quantum Site

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