Home Enterprise EMC Launches Continuous Availability Advisory Services

EMC Launches Continuous Availability Advisory Services

by Brian Beeler

EMC has announced Continuous Availability Advisory Services for organizations evaluating deployment of or improvement to their continuous availability (CA) architecture. CA provides redundancy for organizations that have mission critical applications that need to be able to sustain multiple types of hardware and infrastructure outages while still providing steady performance and uptime. The new service combines EMC’s Global Services and VPLEX to eliminate outages while providing best practices for storage virtualization and disaster recovery.

EMC has announced Continuous Availability Advisory Services for organizations evaluating deployment of or improvement to their continuous availability (CA) architecture. CA provides redundancy for organizations that have mission critical applications that need to be able to sustain multiple types of hardware and infrastructure outages while still providing steady performance and uptime. The new service combines EMC’s Global Services and VPLEX to eliminate outages while providing best practices for storage virtualization and disaster recovery.

The backbone for the EMC CA solution is EMC VPLEX Metro. VPLEX provides distributed shared storage across two data center locations in an active/active configuration. This means data can be simultaneously read and written to at both sites. A third asynchronous site can also be configured for disaster recovery duties. The net result is 100% application and storage availability, even in the event of a complete outage at one data center.

Beyond ensuring uptime, EMC CA Advisory Services claims hardware efficiencies as well, a more refined CA solution can reduce server count by 28-60%, with all the ensuing benefits around ease of management, reduced power cost, smaller footprint and so on. The bulk of these gains come from greater architecture efficiency by reducing idle assets. Rather than having a passive secondary environment waiting to be enabled, both environments are active at the same time, requiring less duplicate hardware. And because the failover is seamless and automatic, the administration of EMC’s CA environment becomes a significant advantage to both users and IT admins.


EMC CA solutions built around VPLEX Metro are available now. 


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