Home Enterprise Pure Storage Pounces on EMC XtremIO 3.0 Destructive Upgrade

Pure Storage Pounces on EMC XtremIO 3.0 Destructive Upgrade

by Brian Beeler

There's little Pure Storage likes more than to pour salt into an EMC wound, smash it in there real nice and tight and secure the wound with a staple gun. As is the case now as Pure continues their onslaught against EMC around the XtremIO 3.0 destructive update. While EMC is providing swing gear and services at no cost to customers who need it while migrating to XtremIO 3.0, Pure is also getting in on the swing gear game. Their take is that while you're migrating to temporary gear anyway, why not give Pure a test drive while you're at it. 

There's little Pure Storage likes more than to pour salt into an EMC wound, smash it in there real nice and tight and secure the wound with a staple gun. As is the case now as Pure continues their onslaught against EMC around the XtremIO 3.0 destructive update. While EMC is providing swing gear and services at no cost to customers who need it while migrating to XtremIO 3.0, Pure is also getting in on the swing gear game. Their take is that while you're migrating to temporary gear anyway, why not give Pure a test drive while you're at it. 

In their own cheeky way, Pure will include several other things with the 400 Series loaner all flash array. These include free offers like downtime permission slips, picture frame, orange rabbit's foot (faux) and upgrade master t-shirt. Although if all goes well with either EMC's or Pure's swing gear, the downtime permission slips should be superfluous. Either way, according to Vaughn Stewart of Pure, "[there are] Lots of registrations for the XtremIO Upgrade Kit." 

Pure Swing Gear Registration Page

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