Home Enterprise A3CUBE Introduces Fortissimo Foundation for Ultra High-Performance Hyper-Convergence

A3CUBE Introduces Fortissimo Foundation for Ultra High-Performance Hyper-Convergence

by Adam Armstrong

A3CUBE Inc. introduced its new building block software solution, Fortissimo Foundation. Working in concert with A3CUBE's previously announced RONNIE Express platform, Fortissimo Foundation will provide improvements in application performance and data center efficiency, and is particularly aimed at unstructured, Big Data environments.

A3CUBE Inc. introduced its new building block software solution, Fortissimo Foundation. Working in concert with A3CUBE's previously announced RONNIE Express platform, Fortissimo Foundation will provide improvements in application performance and data center efficiency, and is particularly aimed at unstructured, Big Data environments.

Fortissimo Foundation is a "clustered, pervasive, global direct-remote I/O access system that linearly scales I/O bandwidth, memory, flash and hard disk storage capacity and server performance to provide an “in-memory” scale-out solution." It works by intelligently aggregating all resources of data center cluster into a massive global namespace. Working with RONNIE Express data path accelerator and RONNIE NICs, enhancing PCIe with direct 'in memory' communication, Fortissimo Foundation bridges all remote compute and storage resources making them all appear and act local. Achieving local CPU to remote device access times of less than 0.8 usec, Fortissimo Foundation enables organizations to deploy the power of high-end HPC clusters at lower cost and skipping over the limitations of traditional scale-out systems.

Fortissimo Foundation can be configured and tuned to efficiently support any workload. The solution virtually eliminates the challenges of building systems for applications such as NoSQL based, Hadoop Based, and I/O intense. All while reducing the complexity in managing, optimizing and simplifying deployment, and reducing costs.

Benefits of Fortissimo Foundation include:

  • Leverage parallel design concepts

  • Intelligent relationship between available CPUs and I/O     

  • Bottleneck-free no-metadata server architecture 

  • Scales capacity and I/O independently

  • Unique Scale Out RAM aggregation across all the nodes

  • Automatic file replication, snapshots and undelete

  • Supports data deduplication, compression and encryption

  • Manages Data Plane and User Network separately

  • Accelerate remote devices access across al the nodes

  • Natively supports ultra low latency through the RONNIEE Express "In Memory Network"
  • New levels of workload efficiency lowering CAPEX and maximizing ROI
  • Adds real-time capabilities to existing Hadoop, NoSQL, Database and Map Reduce systems
  • Supports all traditional communication paradigms – NFS, CIFS, iSCSI and TCP/IP for seamless integration into existing environments
  • OPEN Platform built on commodity servers, available PCIe connectivity and industry standard operating systems
  • DRAM that scales to petabytes
  • Provides enterprises existing storage environment with high-IOPS performance
  • No kernel OS involvement in the communications stack in an integrated hardware-accelerated, software-defined-storage architecture

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