Home Consumer Corsair Launches Marvell 9174-Based SSDs [CES 2011]

Corsair Launches Marvell 9174-Based SSDs [CES 2011]

by Brian Beeler

We’re live from the Corsair press event at CES and Corsair has dropped a bit of a bomb. While they’re not abandoning SandForce processors, they are expanding their SSD options with the Marvell 9174 SATA 6Gb/s processor.

We’re live from the Corsair press event at CES and Corsair has dropped a bit of a bomb. While they’re not abandoning SandForce processors, they are expanding their SSD options with the Marvell 9174 SATA 6Gb/s processor.

Corsair Marvell Controller

We’re still recovering some from the announcement, aside from the slide you see above, Corsair made no mention of their SSD plans. They just sort of dropped this bomb off, then spent 25 minutes talking about gaming speakers. 

What we do know though, is the Marvell 9174 is an established processor for SSDs and should give Corsair a nice SATA 6Gb/s offering since SandForce won’t announce a SATA 6Gb/s client-side processor for another couple months. 

Aside from the published reads and writes of 480 MB/s and 320 MB/s, we don’t know a whole lot else. We’ll be pressing our contacts over the next few days for more information on these potentially game-changing (for enthusiasts) SSDs for more information an review units.

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Update 4/26/2011 – Corsair P3 SSD Review Posted