Home Enterprise DDN Announces A Multi-Level Security Lustre Solution & Product Line Refreshes

DDN Announces A Multi-Level Security Lustre Solution & Product Line Refreshes

by Lyle Smith

DataDirect Networks (DDN) has announced a new multi-level security solution for Lustre designed to address HPC workflows in markets that require both HPC-level performance and increased security requirements. DDN indicates that their new Multi-Level Security Lustre Solution will certainly offer this level of performance as well as the scale, openness, and multi-level security required by HPC and Big Data enterprises.

​DataDirect Networks (DDN) has announced a new multi-level security solution for Lustre designed to address HPC workflows in markets that require both HPC-level performance and increased security requirements. DDN indicates that their new Multi-Level Security Lustre Solution will certainly offer this level of performance as well as the scale, openness, and multi-level security required by HPC and Big Data enterprises.

DDN adds that their new MLS Lustre Solution is easier to use and less expensive than maintaining a siloed infrastructure for sensitive data by combining the following community and DDN-only elements:

  • DDN EXAScaler appliances bring centralized configuration and management, as well as density, performance and scale with Intel Enterprise Edition for Lustre.
  • SE Linux provides a strong security foundation.
  • Containerization with Docker isolates user data.
  • Kerberos, a network authentication protocol, handles user authentication.
  • A complete solution that delivers up to 2x the performance of competitive offerings.

DDN’s MLS Lustre Solution is specifically designed for government, health and life sciences, research labs, financial and other data-intensive organizations handling sensitive data. It complies with a comprehensive list of security standards and maintains the performance levels required by high performance computing environments

DDN also announced a range of new products and updates, including a refresh of the DDN14K-based products (DDN SFA14KX, SFA14KXE, GS14KX and ES14KX), an updated operating system with new capabilities, and a new Burst Buffer Appliance (IME240) based on commodity hardware.

  • DDN SFA14KX, SFA14KXE, GS14KX and ES14KX Storage Platforms:
    • These new storage solutions provide customers with flexible options and take advantage of a suite of new technologies and interconnects. These include SAS SSDs, NVMe, InfiniBand, Omni-Path and the latest processor technologies, such as the Intel fifth-generation Broadwell processor–which is now available across all DDN14KX-based appliances.
    • The new SFA14KX provides hybrid block storage array performance, while the SFA14KXE, GS14KX and ES14KX converged solutions allow users to leverage In-Storage Processing to embed applications or parallel file systems within the storage array for the significant reduction of complexity, latency and data center footprint.
    • DDN’s storage platforms is touted as the world’s fastest, densest storage with more than 6 million IOPS and 60GB/sec in 4U with scalability to more than 9PB of capacity in a single rack.
  • DDN IME240 and Software-Only IME: DDN has expanded its IME product line with a new IME240 appliance (now software only), a 2U server with 24 drives and NVMe support to deliver upwards of 20GB/s.
  • DDN SFA Operating System 3.1:
    • The new SFAOS 3.1 fully supports the Intel Broadwell processors, which are now available within DDN storage solutions. DDN indicates that these processors offer more cores, advance DDN’s In-Storage Processing efficiency and support the DDN platforms’ peak performance requirements.
    • DDN’s In-Storage Processing feature eliminates latency and bottlenecks to accelerate applications and enables workflows to scale more efficiently, while reducing the number of components to manage, power and house.


The SFA14KX, SFA14KXE, GS14KX, ES14KX, DDN’s SFA Operating System 3.1 and software-only IME solutions are now available. The DDN IME240 will ship in volume sometime during Q1 of 2017.

DDN will also be demonstrating the MLS Lustre Solution and the other newly announced products at the SC16 conference in Salt Lake City.

DDN MLS Lustre

DDN Products

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