Dell Fluid Cache has been used to create pools of low-latency PCIe flash in order to provide intelligent caching within servers. Today, Dell announced Fluid Cache for SAN (expanding on the technology preview at Dell World last fall), which offers a solution that bridges Fluid Cache technology with scalability and other benefits from SAN storage infrastructure for both Dell and third-party hardware platforms. Fluid Cache for SAN is oriented towards online transaction processing (OLTP), data warehousing, virtual desktop infrastructure (VDI) and cloud applications which can also leverage its enterprise SAN capabilities including automated tiering, cache-aware snapshots, replication, and compression.
Dell Fluid Cache has been used to create pools of low-latency PCIe flash in order to provide intelligent caching within servers. Today, Dell announced Fluid Cache for SAN (expanding on the technology preview at Dell World last fall), which offers a solution that bridges Fluid Cache technology with scalability and other benefits from SAN storage infrastructure for both Dell and third-party hardware platforms. Fluid Cache for SAN is oriented towards online transaction processing (OLTP), data warehousing, virtual desktop infrastructure (VDI) and cloud applications which can also leverage its enterprise SAN capabilities including automated tiering, cache-aware snapshots, replication, and compression.
Fluid Cache moves frequently accessed data to local PCIe flash cache storage on the compute platform, Dell servers or otherwise. Write-back cache technology incorporated into Fluid Cache for SAN ensures both faster write performance and data reliability. There is no single point of failure between the cache and SAN storage due to the fault tolerant design of the system. The architecture also allows new PCIe drives and nodes to be added to an active pool to scale performance as needed.
In Dell benchmarks, its 3 node Oracle OLTP cluster reached an aggregated 5 million random IOPS and reduced cost per user up to 71 percent with Dell Fluid Cache for SAN compared to its performance without Fluid Cache integration. Manufacturer benchmarks also show an 8 node Oracle OLTP database cluster to increase the number of concurrent users from 2,200 to 14,000 alongside an Average Response Time (ART) that was reduced 99% compared to the same hardware without Dell Fluid Cache.
Dell Fluid Cache for SAN will be available in the second quarter of 2014.