Home Consumer Intel Cache Acceleration Software 2.0 Announced

Intel Cache Acceleration Software 2.0 Announced

by Lyle Smith

Intel has announced its new Cache Acceleration Software (CAS) for Linux, which prioritizes application performance, providing SSD-levels of speed without migration costs as well as built-in data integrity for Intel’s SSD data center family of products. The Linux version will be generally available within 30 days as an enterprise subscription and open source release while complementing the existing Intel CAS 2.0 for Windows (available now).

Intel has announced its new Cache Acceleration Software (CAS) for Linux, which prioritizes application performance, providing SSD-levels of speed without migration costs as well as built-in data integrity for Intel’s SSD data center family of products. The Linux version will be generally available within 30 days as an enterprise subscription and open source release while complementing the existing Intel CAS 2.0 for Windows (available now).

Intel CAS 2.0 is based on technology from Intel’s acquisition of NEVEX Virtual Technologies back in August of 2012, providing key features that enhance their SSD data center family of products. Additionally, this caching solution delivers significant input/output (I/O) and application performance improvements in use cases such as database/OLTP, virtualization, cloud, and big data (Hadoop).

CAS 2.0 also provides significantly improved performance for I/O-intensive applications that run on dedicated servers or virtual machines (VMs). Intel CAS can target performance to specific applications, files, VM, or individual database tables with its unique policy-based caching. In addition, selective optimized caching gives administrators the ability to focus performance on applications and data that directly impact their business, all the while enabling consistent I/O acceleration by avoiding contention with other applications and server actions. Its scalable application server tier with direct-attached SSD allows for low latency and consistent performance, which in turn complements SAN technologies for capacity storage tiers including archive, backup, and recovery. By balancing CPU and I/O performance, Intel CAS enables companies to lower TCO with an optimized and integrated solution.

Intel CAS 2.0 for Windows and Linux supports the Intel SSD data center family, which includes the Intel DC S3700 and 910 Series.

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