Home Consumer Intel Shipping 25nm NAND Flash

Intel Shipping 25nm NAND Flash

by Brian Beeler

Intel has announced that the Intel-Micron Flash Technologies partnership is mass producing 25nm NAND flash memory and Intel is shipping to customers. Intel-Micron Flash Technologies is the first to get 25nm NAND to market, which was originally announced in February. This also means Intel should be able to bring the first SSDs based on these chips to market.

Intel has announced that the Intel-Micron Flash Technologies partnership is mass producing 25nm NAND flash memory and Intel is shipping to customers. Intel-Micron Flash Technologies is the first to get 25nm NAND to market, which was originally announced in February.  This also means Intel should be able to bring the first SSDs based on these chips to market.

Intel 25nm die

SSDs with 25nm NAND will essentially take up half the space on the board – a 256GB SSD for instance takes 64 NAND chips currently, with 25nm NAND that number goes to 32 total chips.

As a result we should not only see larger capacity SSDs, simply due to the increased density on the board, but there should be efficiencies that lead to better performance and perhaps a little downward price pressure as well.

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