Home Enterprise Joint MarkLogic and SGI DataRaptor Big Data Solution Features Tuned NoSQL Database

Joint MarkLogic and SGI DataRaptor Big Data Solution Features Tuned NoSQL Database

by Mark Kidd

SGI has announced DataRaptor, a Big Data solution developed with MarkLogic for semi-structured and unstructured data that integrates SGI hardware and a tuned MarkLogic NoSQL database. SGI DataRaptor solutions start at five nodes with 80 cores, scaling to deployments that feature more than 300 cores, over 2,600GB of memory, and from 300TB to more than 500TB storage capacity. DataRaptor incorporates SSDs for caching and integrated network infrastructure in standard racks. Technical support for the solution is managed through a single touch point.

SGI has announced DataRaptor, a Big Data solution developed with MarkLogic for semi-structured and unstructured data that integrates SGI hardware and a tuned MarkLogic NoSQL database. SGI DataRaptor solutions start at five nodes with 80 cores, scaling to deployments that feature more than 300 cores, over 2,600GB of memory, and from 300TB to more than 500TB storage capacity. DataRaptor incorporates SSDs for caching and integrated network infrastructure in standard racks. Technical support for the solution is managed through a single touch point.

SGI DataRaptor is designed for Big Data analysis, search, and rapid development of applications in financial services, public sector, and media and entertainment. DataRaptor uses standards-based hardware configurations developed and tested for the MarkLogic’s database technology.

The solution ships in two configurations, emphasizing either performance or capacity with either SGI’s Rackable ISS3112 or ISS3124 storage servers. DataRaptor servers feature an RP2 two-socket motherboard with 16 Xeon E5-2600 cores per server, 384GB of main memory, and either six PCIe gen 3 x 8 slots, full-height, or two PCIe gen3 x 8 slots, full-height and two PCIe gen3 x16 slots, double-width. Depending on configuration, the servers accommodate up to twelve 3.5-inch drives or twenty-four 2.5 inch drives.

MarkLogic NoSQL is built for applications that are difficult or impossible to serve with a traditional relational database. NoSQL features include ACID transactions, horizontal scaling, real-time indexing, high availability, disaster recovery, security, and search.


SGI DataRaptor is now available for order.

SGI DataRaptor Solution Page

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