Home Consumer Microsoft Improves SkyDrive, Now Supports HTML5 Browsers

Microsoft Improves SkyDrive, Now Supports HTML5 Browsers

by storagereview

Microsoft has announced much needed improvements to their cloud storage system, SkyDrive.  Microsoft reps say that they addressed the biggest issues that users have pointed out, largely around usability and responsiveness.

Microsoft has announced much needed improvements to their cloud storage system, SkyDrive.  Microsoft reps say that they addressed the biggest issues that users have pointed out, largely around usability and responsiveness.

The new features are many and seem to make SkyDrive a whole lot easier to use. Selecting and sharing individual files is now possible, as is posting to networks and distributing sharing links. The new tweaks are made to make SkyDrive more “app-centric,” or to make it easy to do whatever you want while in an application; for example, changing a file’s permission settings while you’re editing it.

The changes are most noticeable in MS Office, but are present in other areas too. There are better upload characteristics and drag-and-drop functionality for moving files. Microsoft also revamped the photo slideshow, making it easier to use and substantially faster. There is also support for HTML5 browsers like Chrome, CSS3 animations, and .RAW and .PDF file types. 

SkyDrive’s somewhat rocky start is pretty much over.  These new changes should make the service much better, in terms of overall ease of use and overall performance.

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Source: Windows Blog