Home Consumer New Apple MacBook Pros to have Dedicated SSD for OS?

New Apple MacBook Pros to have Dedicated SSD for OS?

by storagereview

Apple is expected to introduce a new version of its MacBook Pro notebook computer in the next two weeks. The most exciting news is the possibility of it having a separate internal 8-16GB SSD dedicated solely to the operating system.

Apple is expected to introduce a new version of its MacBook Pro notebook computer in the next two weeks. The most exciting news is the possibility of it having a separate internal 8-16GB SSD dedicated solely to the operating system.

Hard drives and SSDs will reportedly be available on the notebooks; but the higher end may include an 8-16GB secondary SSD that will likely be connected via mini-PCIe. It could be a situation similar to Lenovo, who is using the Intel SSD 310 in their new ThinkPad line. Of course Apple is considering a much smaller version though, which would only hold the OS, no other applications or files most likely. 

Those interested in SSDs often wonder how noticeable the benefits are. One place where it will provide large benefits is the operating system start-up process; it requires significant amounts of data to be read off the resident storage device and into memory (RAM). The faster the storage device is, the faster the system is able to load that data. Using a small SSD to hold the operating system is a novel idea and gets to the instant boot idea that Steve Jobs spent of lot of time talking about with the launch of the revised MacBook Air line in 2010. It will be interesting to see how Apple integrates the SSD together with the primary storage device for a seamless experience.

The new Apple MacBook Pro notebooks (which are also supposedly a half-pound lighter than the current models) are expected to go on sale within the next two weeks. Stay tuned.

Via (BGR.com)

Update 2/24/11 – Turns out it was not to be, the MacBooks were refreshed today with no special SSD options.