Home Enterprise NVELO Releases SSD Caching Software for Ultrabooks

NVELO Releases SSD Caching Software for Ultrabooks

by Brian Beeler

NVELO announced today that they are bringing their SSD Storage Caching software named Dataplex to the ultraportable computing (read – Ultrabook) space. Given the nature of their software, we guessed it would only be a matter of time before this caching software hit notebooks in a more progressive way after reviewing the software with a Lenovo ThinkPad X220 in our office. The software is aimed at combining the larger capacity and low price of 5400RPM notebook hard drives with the speed of caching mSATA SSDs.

NVELO announced today that they are bringing their SSD Storage Caching software named Dataplex to the ultraportable computing (read – Ultrabook) space. Given the nature of their software, we guessed it would only be a matter of time before this caching software hit notebooks in a more progressive way after reviewing the software with a Lenovo ThinkPad X220 in our office. The software is aimed at combining the larger capacity and low price of 5400RPM notebook hard drives with the speed of caching mSATA SSDs.

To this point Dataplex has been released with a 64GB caching SSD from OCZ. In the small form factor space though, NVELO has to get creative, making due with potentially smaller SSD capacities to keep overall system prices down. In this case Dataplex uses a “Write-Around” caching policy which caches system reads, and can get a 4-5x performance boost over the hard drive alone, with even a low capacity 16GB mSATA SSD.

While not yet ready to specify an OEM, NVELO does expect to have a partner announcement in the coming weeks. Perhaps coincidentally, OCZs mSATA SSDs were approved this week by Intel for Ultrabook usage; OCZ’s Synapse Caching SSD is currently the only device that supports the Dataplex software.